Are you serious about the success of your business…
OR… are you just dabbling a little?
If you are just dabbling, then you can skip this article because it probably doesn’t apply to you.
But – if you ARE serious about the success of your business, and you have a website, you should read this article and do what it says if you don’t have an SSL certificate installed on your website. That’s where your browser like Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox tells the user that it is SECURE. If you do not have a premium and properly installed SSL certificate installed on your website, it will be NOT SECURE.
Why is it so important to do this now, and why should you do it if you are serious about the success of your business?
Without a properly installed, premium SSL Certificate:
1) The data passing through your website from one of your visitors, even if it is only a contact form, is not encrypted – in other words, the data is in the open. Any bad guy that intercepts the communication can see exactly what it says. This is a SECURITY issue – regardless of whether your visitors are transmitting legal data or just their phone number. Would you want YOUR information out in the open like that?
2) Everyone’s new version of Google Chrome, and potentially other browsers, warn the user that your website it NOT SECURE. This means that just going to your website can scare your potential customers away, before they even have a chance to see what you offer.
3) Some devices such as Apple iPhones and iPads will not even allow a user to go to sites that are NOT SECURE. This means people using these devices in some cases will not be able to go to your website AT ALL.
4) Google and potentially other search engines are now penalizing websites that do not have an SSL Certificate installed. This means that if you were on page 1 of Google’s search results for a particular search term, you now could end up being on page 2, or 3, or 4, or worse.
These facts are not meant to scare you. They are facts. You decide what to do. But if you ARE really serious about the success of your business, NOW is the time get that SSL certificate installed on your website. It costs a few dollars (I would recommend you stay away from the free ones) to get a premium certificate that will keep your visitors safe and secure and prevent your website from being penalized.
Do this today – right now – while you are thinking about it. Your online business security and your new business leads from your website depend on it.